
Questões por página:
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Analyze the sentences according to structure and grammar use.
1. The underlined words in the sentence “This long, pointed stick was first used as a weapon…” is an example of active voice in the past tense.
2. The words in bold “they” and “their”, in the text, are being used as a personal pronoun and a possessive adjective, respectively.
3. The negative form of the following sentence: “Do exercises for your arms, legs, back, and neck…” is “Don’t exercise your arms, legs, back, and neck…”.
4. The word ‘properly’ in “it’s important to warm up properly before practicing the javelin.” is an adverb that means correctly or satisfactorily.

Choose the alternative which contains the correct sentences.
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According to the text, judge the item from.

In line 7, “broad-leaved” is not an adjective.
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Based on the text, judge the item from.

In the first paragraph, “exacerbated” and “overwhelmed” are both adjectives and refer to how the author feels about people being so busy.
Leia o fragmento “He sold several patent rights”, considere que há uma sequência de colocação de adjetivos. Assinale a alternativa que siga a mesma ordem de adjetivos.

Analise as sentenças a seguir

1. Neymar Júnior is a ______ soccer player.

2. Lionel Messi is ______ than Neymar Jr.

3. Cristiano Ronaldo is ______ soccer player, and ______ sportsman in the world.

Assinale a alternativa que preencha correta e respectivamente as lacunas.